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Thursday, April 12, 2012

100 Days 100 Things Challenge

Spring is here. I just love spring, I love the colors, the warmth, the birds, the flowers. Here is South Texas, we have "spring" about 3 months out of the year. When I lived in Saint Louis, MO however, spring was a great time of year. It kicked off every year, it seemed, with the St. Patrick's Day parade. Shortly after that parade, you would start to see walkers in forest Park, the Zoo would begin to get busy again. Strollers, bikes, families come out from everywhere. It is a great time of year anywhere in the country.

Recently, we took some pictures of Miss A and Little B among the Bluebonnets. We are in Texas after all! You HAVE to have pictures of the kids surrounded by this beautiful flowers.

I love this one of Miss A and her red boots.

This one of Little Bman makes me smile. He is just shy of 9 months and his chubby legs are too cute.

This is just too beautiful.

While most people who love spring, love the flowers, some, like myself, start to get the itch to spring clean. Since Little Bman was born last June, I find myself surrounded with
 tons of "stuff" that gets accumulated when you are a family.

I was talking online with some mom friends, recently and we were talking about spring cleaning. One mom had said that if she didn't do something , her junk would quickly become an episode of Hoarders. This got me thinking, why do I have so much junk? Why am I consumed with having all of this? Why do I feel the need to keep buying things? Is it because of deals I get? Is it because I don't want to get rid of things? I'm not sure.

I was introduced to the book 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess  by Jen Hatmaker. She has her own blog which I love to follow. She is a pastors wife who was convicted in her spirit to go through a month of giving up things. Only eating 7 foods, giving away 7 things a day etc. Her book is powerful and inspiring. Her blog is, in my humble opinion, an amazing and biblical look at how to live with less and use what you have. She inspires me. Check her out here.

After talking with my friends, I realized a common thread through all of the talk was "HELP!!!! I HAVE TONS OF JUNK!!!!!!" So I purposed to my mom friends a 100 days to get rid of 100 things. I named it the 100 things 100 days Challenge. Starting May 1 and going through August 8, every single day, I will be giving away, going through, organizing, selling and trashing 100 things. We set up rules and plan to kick this off in a few weeks. Some of my friends have already started, since right now is yard sale season and a few are moving soon. But as a group, we are doing the challenge.

How will this work? you ask. What if I don't have 100 of one thing? Can I just give away 100 Q-Tips and be done? Nope!

Here is how we are working it:

Starting May 1:

Each week will have a theme and everyday that week, I will post an item to go through. You can get rid of 10 of that thing or 1, the amount is not the point. Here is an example:
Week 1:
Mommy Clothes
Day 1:
Today, go through all your bottoms, skirts and  jeans and get rid of any that are out of style, don't fit, have holes ("uncool" holes of course) have missing zippers, buttons, stains, undone hem lines etc.

I have encouraged my friends to post pictures of the items that are leaving the house. The biggest rule that goes with this; Not to buy back the item that has left. You can't donate books to the library and turn around and buy 10 books, that just defeats the purpose of getting rid of them. You can sell items if they are sellable, donate items that are not sellable and trash items that need to be trashed. But they need to leave, get out of the house, and make room for LESS stuff.

The point of the exercise is two fold. First, I don't know about you all, but spring cleaning sort of stresses me out. I have this unrealistic view that my house needs to be spotless by the time the first day of summer rolls around. It makes me crazy and makes me feel like I'm behind. Taking 100 days to go through 100 areas in your life, makes it easy and attainable. Second, I am a visual person. i need to physically see the items marching out the door and see the items getting organized, to feel I am accomplishing something. And the best part? You don't have to participate everyday. Let's say it's "Son Week" and you don't have a son. Follow along with the blog, but you don't have to purge that week. By breaking down the organization and cleaning process into small, daily goals, by the start of the school year, you will have a home that is functioning, organized and more importantly C.L.E.A.N. Won't that be great?!

I sure think so!

Join us and follow along with this blog and see the 100 things 100 Days Challenge take shape. I'm hoping to have a few guest bloggers come on and talk about the challenge as well.

I'm excited!!! Aren't you?!

Mama Jelly